Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a Christian Camp?

We are rooted in the Christian tradition, with a strong focus on the inclusion of people of all beliefs, backgrounds, abilities and orientations. We are LGBTQ2S positive. 

Our theme for the week is from the Prophet Micah, “Act Justly; Love Tenderly; Walk Humbly”. 

We consider ourselves to be a Spiritually Positive Space.

Do I need to be Christian?

No. We simply ask that all participants come with an open heart and an open mind. Our participants and staff have diverse spirituality and religious backgrounds and we like to embrace all faith traditions at camp.

What if I don’t know anybody?

Many of our participants come not knowing anyone! You will be in a group of 6-12 participants and you’ll be with two fantastic leaders who will be with you your whole time at camp. You will eat meals and attend workshops together. We also mix up our cabin participants so everyone is in the same boat of not knowing one another. And we promise you, if you come alone, you won’t be leaving alone—you’ll be leaving with new friends!

What do I need to bring?

You will receive a complete packing list once you are registered for camp, which will include stuff like a sleeping bag, pillow, towel, bathing suit, toiletries, enough clothes for five days, sweater, flashlight, rain jacket, hat, sunscreen, water bottle, and journal. If you like you could also bring musical instruments, unicycle, art supplies, juggling balls, and most important of all, an open heart.

What if I can’t afford it?

We don’t want cost to be an obstacle. Please contact us to discuss some financial aid options.

LGBTQ2S, really?

Yes! Camp Micah is a welcoming and inclusive community that values and celebrates diversity. Gender non-binary washrooms are found throughout camp. We have gender non-binary sleeping spaces available. We are dedicated to being a positive and safe space for every participant.

Are there any rules?

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly! Oh, and two other things. Thou shalt not consume drugs or alcohol. And thou shalt not go into anyone else’s cabin at night.

I am going into grade 9. Can I still go to camp?

You either need to have completed at least one year of high school or you need to have turned 14 before January 1st the year you attend camp.

What accessibility support can Camp Micah offer?

Camp Micah is committed to meeting, and where possible exceeding, the customer standards identified by the AODA. Camp Micah provides the following accessibility supports:

  • Assistive Devices

  • Service Animals

  • Support Persons

  • Individualized Emergency Response Plans

For more details regarding accessibility at Camp Micah see our accessibility policy. Please contact Camp Micah if you require any of our information in an alternative format.